Sunday, 5 June 2011

MS Walk

Hey Everyone!!!
It's me, Eloo! (Mip isn't here right now)
This Sunday (5th June, 2011) support people suffering with MS by doing a Walk/Fun Run!!!!
There is an entry fee, but all the money goes toward research to find a cure for MS!!
For those of you who do not know, MS stands for Multiple Sclerosis. It affects your nervous system. There are 3 tracks: a 5km one, a 9km one, and a 16km one. My family and I did the 5km one. It took us 1 hour and 15 minutes. But it was really fun!!!! You get to walk by the Royal Botanic Garden, the Opera House and Luna Park!!!! Sure, you could do this for free, but the whole point is to help people suffering from MS. You are meant to wear red, but if you don't have any, don't worry cause not everyone does!!! This years walk/fun run is finished, but there is always next year!!! So look out for it, and join in!!!
Peace out!!

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