Hey everyone!!!
Its Mip & Eloo Here!!!
On this Post we are going to show you how to make Little Meringues!!!
To make about 30 meringues you will need:
* 2 eggs, at room temperature
* 100g (4oz) caster sugar
* Sugar sprinkles
1. Heat your oven to 110 C, 225 F, gas mark 1/4, before you start
2. Lay 2 baking trays on baking parchment and draw around them. Cut out the shapes, then lay them in the trays.
3. Carefully break an egg on the edge of a large bowl. Then gently pour it on a saucer, without breaking the egg yolk.
4.Hold an egg cup over the yolk. Then, carfully tip the saucer over the bowl so that the egg white dribbles into it.
5. Repeat 3-4 with the other egg, so that both egg whites are in the bowl. You don't need the egg yolks.
6. Whisk the egg whites with a whisk until they are really thick When you lift the whisk, they should form stiff points.
7. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the bowl, then whisk it well. Whisk in the rest of the sugar, a tablespoon at a time
8.Scoop up a teaspoonful of the meringue mixture. Using another teaspoon, push it off onto one of the baking trays.
9. Make meringues from the rest of the mixture. Sprinkle them with a few sugar sprinkles, then bake them for 40 minutes.
10. Turn off the oven. Leave the meringues in there for 15 minutes, then lift them out. Let them cool on the trays.
11. Eat!!!!
I hope this helps! You can have them for birthday partys or when your friends come over!!!
You can probably add food colouring as well, if you want. Your meringues should look something like this:
Peace out!!